John McCain's flip flops, making John Kerry proud
1) Abortion flip flop
John McCain is on record in support of Roe v. Wade. This is a big reason why he lost the nomination in 1999, he was toxic on the issue.
WASHINGTON (Sept. 13) - Senator John McCain (R-Az.), a leading contender for the Republican nomination for President, said on August 19, "Certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade," the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand.
Listen to McCain say it himself on CNN.
"We cannot repeal Roe v. Wade right away because that would lead to dangerous back alley abortions by thousands of young women across the country."
To secure the 2008 nomination he has painted himself as 100% pro-life, but if he puts Rudy, or Bloomberg on the ticket, he's back to his old ways.
2) Taxes
Voted against Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and did so again in 2003, he additionally derided them as giving too much to the rich at the expense of the middle class, and on top of that he said it would explode the deficit. (He was correct on both counts) now he supports extending those same tax cuts. No mention of the middle class or the deficit in his reversal. Here's the conservative Wash Times take on his flip flop.
McCain campaign says "No new taxes", McCain says payroll taxes might go up.
3) Torture
You'd think a man who'd been tortured himself for years, wouldn't change his mind on the subject, but you'd be wrong.
In 2005, McCain said it was wrong to torture even the most senior al-qaeda leadership even in a ticking time bomb situation.
At the White House... "to make it clear to the world that this government does not torture and that we adhere to the international convention of torture, whether it be here at home or abroad. And so we have worked very closely with the Senator and others to achieve that objective"
So when a bill comes to the Senate in February 2008 to ban torture, McCain votes for it right? Nope. He votes against it. As flip flops go, they don't get any bigger than this.
4) Offshore drilling
In 2000 McCain was against off-shore exploration and drilling, now he's for it.
Drilling in ANWR
In 2005, John McCain was one of the few Republican Senators to vote against drilling. His vote was critical as the vote was very close. It passed by 51-49
Today? It's not a full flip flop but on June 18, 2008 at a Town Hall meeting at Missouri State in response to drilling in ANWR he said "I would be more than happy to examine it (the drilling issue) again,” McCain said.
5,6,7) Flip flopping on his former enemies
Jerry Falwell, an "agent of intolerance"
Grover Norquist, a "crook and a shill for dictators"
Sam and Charles Wyly, secretly funded Bush's dirty campaign again McCain , all forgiven now
8) Can't remember his favorite football team
Of all the flip flops, this one is the one that cuts the deepest at the neighborhood BBQ. In the book "Faith of my Fathers" and in a Newsweek interview. McCain said his favorite team was the Green Bay Packers. And why not? In 1967, the Packers were titletown with Lombardi at the helm. So as a POW McCain recited the names of the Packer greats while under torture.
Last week in Pittsburgh, McCain was asked. What do you think of when you think of Pittsburgh. McCain responded "Oh my favorite football team the Steelers, you know when I was a POW I recited the names of the Steelers when under duress."
Ah yes the 2-12 '65 team, the 5-8-1 '66 team and the 4-9-1 '67 team. Those Pittsburgh teams most have made quite an impression on the Virginia native who you'd think would have rooted for his hometown Washington Redskins team.
So which is it Mr. McCain? You can't remember your favorite football team, or your favorite team changes depending on what city you're currently in?
9.) Gay Adoption
July 13, 2008 I don't believe gays should be allowed to adopt.
July 15, 2008 I do believe gays should be allowed to adopt.
A 2 day flip flop, this may be a Guinness Book Record!
10) Afganistan
Nov 2007, McCain "No new American troops needed in Afgan, more NATO troops"
July 6, 2008 Obama says he will send thousands to Afgan, McCain, nope Afgan is fine NATO and Pakistan have to handle it.
July 14, 2008 Obama says he will send 2 brigades to Afgan.
July 15, 2008 McCain jumps on the bandwagon, "2? I will send 3 brigades to Afgan"
July 15, 2008 about 1 hour later McCain " I won't send 3 brigades, I'll send some, NATO will send some"
Ah the rare flip-flop-flip and all within 1 day. A new record.
Well I only came up with 10 flip flops, but here's more:
10 flip flops in 2 weeks
A list of 61 McCain flip flops
Frank Rich has a number of flip-flops not discussed elsewhere
McCain's sense of humor. Not a flip-flop, but as an insight into character it deserves a spot
Killing innocent civilians is funny
Bombing is fun and funny
Rape and bestiality is funny (yeah way back in 1986, so McCain was "only" 50)
Making fun of the way 18 year old Chelsea looked ('cause picking on kids is classy)
McCain's temper
Sure launching f-bombs at folks might be considered cool, but calling your wife a C*** in front of 3 reporters? He claimed at age 56 he'd had a long day, good thing at age 72 the Presidency doesn't call for long days...
McCain's Military Expertise
"I know how to win wars" Sorry no link to prove this record
Actual military acumen?
Finished almost dead last in his class at Annapolis 894th out of 899
After 5 plane crashes, McCain left the Navy 1 week after his patron was gone (His Dad)
His best man at his wedding Sen. Cohen said "He knew his career in the Navy was limited"
McCain slapped around in funny Paris ad
1) Abortion flip flop
John McCain is on record in support of Roe v. Wade. This is a big reason why he lost the nomination in 1999, he was toxic on the issue.
WASHINGTON (Sept. 13) - Senator John McCain (R-Az.), a leading contender for the Republican nomination for President, said on August 19, "Certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade," the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand.
Listen to McCain say it himself on CNN.
"We cannot repeal Roe v. Wade right away because that would lead to dangerous back alley abortions by thousands of young women across the country."
To secure the 2008 nomination he has painted himself as 100% pro-life, but if he puts Rudy, or Bloomberg on the ticket, he's back to his old ways.
2) Taxes
Voted against Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and did so again in 2003, he additionally derided them as giving too much to the rich at the expense of the middle class, and on top of that he said it would explode the deficit. (He was correct on both counts) now he supports extending those same tax cuts. No mention of the middle class or the deficit in his reversal. Here's the conservative Wash Times take on his flip flop.
McCain campaign says "No new taxes", McCain says payroll taxes might go up.
3) Torture
You'd think a man who'd been tortured himself for years, wouldn't change his mind on the subject, but you'd be wrong.
In 2005, McCain said it was wrong to torture even the most senior al-qaeda leadership even in a ticking time bomb situation.
At the White House... "to make it clear to the world that this government does not torture and that we adhere to the international convention of torture, whether it be here at home or abroad. And so we have worked very closely with the Senator and others to achieve that objective"
So when a bill comes to the Senate in February 2008 to ban torture, McCain votes for it right? Nope. He votes against it. As flip flops go, they don't get any bigger than this.
4) Offshore drilling
In 2000 McCain was against off-shore exploration and drilling, now he's for it.
Drilling in ANWR
In 2005, John McCain was one of the few Republican Senators to vote against drilling. His vote was critical as the vote was very close. It passed by 51-49
Today? It's not a full flip flop but on June 18, 2008 at a Town Hall meeting at Missouri State in response to drilling in ANWR he said "I would be more than happy to examine it (the drilling issue) again,” McCain said.
5,6,7) Flip flopping on his former enemies
Jerry Falwell, an "agent of intolerance"
Grover Norquist, a "crook and a shill for dictators"
Sam and Charles Wyly, secretly funded Bush's dirty campaign again McCain , all forgiven now
8) Can't remember his favorite football team
Of all the flip flops, this one is the one that cuts the deepest at the neighborhood BBQ. In the book "Faith of my Fathers" and in a Newsweek interview. McCain said his favorite team was the Green Bay Packers. And why not? In 1967, the Packers were titletown with Lombardi at the helm. So as a POW McCain recited the names of the Packer greats while under torture.
Last week in Pittsburgh, McCain was asked. What do you think of when you think of Pittsburgh. McCain responded "Oh my favorite football team the Steelers, you know when I was a POW I recited the names of the Steelers when under duress."
Ah yes the 2-12 '65 team, the 5-8-1 '66 team and the 4-9-1 '67 team. Those Pittsburgh teams most have made quite an impression on the Virginia native who you'd think would have rooted for his hometown Washington Redskins team.
So which is it Mr. McCain? You can't remember your favorite football team, or your favorite team changes depending on what city you're currently in?
9.) Gay Adoption
July 13, 2008 I don't believe gays should be allowed to adopt.
July 15, 2008 I do believe gays should be allowed to adopt.
A 2 day flip flop, this may be a Guinness Book Record!
10) Afganistan
Nov 2007, McCain "No new American troops needed in Afgan, more NATO troops"
July 6, 2008 Obama says he will send thousands to Afgan, McCain, nope Afgan is fine NATO and Pakistan have to handle it.
July 14, 2008 Obama says he will send 2 brigades to Afgan.
July 15, 2008 McCain jumps on the bandwagon, "2? I will send 3 brigades to Afgan"
July 15, 2008 about 1 hour later McCain " I won't send 3 brigades, I'll send some, NATO will send some"
Ah the rare flip-flop-flip and all within 1 day. A new record.
Well I only came up with 10 flip flops, but here's more:
10 flip flops in 2 weeks
A list of 61 McCain flip flops
Frank Rich has a number of flip-flops not discussed elsewhere
McCain's sense of humor. Not a flip-flop, but as an insight into character it deserves a spot
Killing innocent civilians is funny
Bombing is fun and funny
Rape and bestiality is funny (yeah way back in 1986, so McCain was "only" 50)
Making fun of the way 18 year old Chelsea looked ('cause picking on kids is classy)
McCain's temper
Sure launching f-bombs at folks might be considered cool, but calling your wife a C*** in front of 3 reporters? He claimed at age 56 he'd had a long day, good thing at age 72 the Presidency doesn't call for long days...
McCain's Military Expertise
"I know how to win wars" Sorry no link to prove this record
Actual military acumen?
Finished almost dead last in his class at Annapolis 894th out of 899
After 5 plane crashes, McCain left the Navy 1 week after his patron was gone (His Dad)
His best man at his wedding Sen. Cohen said "He knew his career in the Navy was limited"
McCain slapped around in funny Paris ad
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