Economic Ramble

Politics and humor not appropriate for CEO Economic Update

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fred Thompson "Fox has been trying to take me down from day one"

"It's the wrong message and a weak messenger. Other than those two things, it's a great campaign," Barnes said. Krauthammer added: "There's not anything there. And in the absence of something, he can't win."

When the camera returned to Thompson, he was visibly angry. "This has been a constant mantra of Fox, to tell you the truth," he said.

Thompson, appearing on "Fox News Sunday," called for repealing the alternative minimum tax and lowering the corporate tax rate to no more than 27 percent, from the current 35 percent.
Thompson also said that he would change the current income tax system to one that includes just two tax rates and strips away tax deductions and credits

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No Support
Fifty percent of New Hampshire residents would never vote for Fred Thompson.
By Mark Blumenthal and Charles Franklin
Updated Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007, at 3:59 PM ET

The news for Fred Thompson just refuses to get better in New Hampshire. Not only did he come in sixth place with a paltry 4 percent in the most recent CNN/WMUR poll (PDF), but half of the state's Republicans won't even consider voting for him. When the likely Republican voters were asked about which candidate they thought could best handle issues like abortion, Iraq, illegal immigration, and the economy, Thompson didn't grab more than 4 percent of the vote on any question. We'll have analysis of the Democrats' New Hampshire numbers tomorrow.

Sounds like the beginning of the end for Fred....

Several House Republicans who endorsed Fred Thompson for president now say that they are frustrated with what they view as an apathetic campaign, and at least one regrets having committed to the former Tennessee senator.
“I think he’s kind of done a belly flop,” said an estranged Thompson backer who indicated he will not pull his public support before the “Super Tuesday” primaries. “We’ll just wait till after Feb. 5 because I think he’s going to get beat.”

Another GOP lawmaker said, “I’ve kind of pulled back. I’m not not supporting him, but I’m not doing anything.” With six weeks to go before the first contest, that’s not quite the enthusiasm a presidential hopeful wants to hear.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nation’s largest pro-life group endorses Fred Thompson.

NRLC must be holding their nose with this endorsement. They went to court to fight the Thompson supported McCain-Feingold campaign finance legislation.

And what about his work to lobby for abortion rights? Does he even regret it?

No, I don’t" - Fred Thompson October 18, 2007 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Should this concern pro-lifers? Why yes. Bob Novak on November 8 regarding Thompson's comments on "Meet the Press" said "What Thompson said could be expected from NARAL"

In the first question on abortion posed by Russert Sunday, he asked Thompson whether as a candidate he could run on the 2004 Republican platform that endorsed a "human life" constitutional amendment banning all abortions. "No," Thompson replied, suddenly monosyllabic. "You would not?" "No," said Thompson, adding "that's been my position the entire time I've been in politics"

And that ladies and gentlemen is your NRLC candidate. Enjoy.


Monday, November 05, 2007

Fun quiz to find out which candidate is closest to your views.

Remember when Bush said "I don't know where OBL is and I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about him"

Fred goes one better "Osama Bin Laden?, more symbolism than anything else"

Here is Fred saying a bunch of kids are responsible for 3,000+ dead soldiers in Iraq.

Fred: … "I said the US could not be perceived as having been run out of Iraq with our tail between our legs because a bunch of kids on the border there making improvised explosive devices…"

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fred doesn't bother to get his facts straight. Is this even newsworthy? I guess so.