1:53am, 2 hours and finally finished this post (was orginally posted to CEO Economic Update). Hope at least some of you get a little enjoyment out of this. I'm going to complain to my doctor, the meds he said will make me sleepy. Nope. Kept me up.
Please watch the http://www.fred08.com/ video it is laugh out loud funny.
Very clearly this is not going to be a serious candidate, that gives me some license to goof around.
Fred's just trying to raise his profile so he can make some more money.
Assumping Fred doesn't become President, rumor has it that Fred is the favorite to replace the $10 million dollar a year man on the radio. (Paul Harvey = 60% of their revenues, thus the big pay)
Bigger name recognition for Fred (from Presidential run) probably seals the deal with ABC radio, when Paul Harvey (turns 89 this year) steps down at the end of his contract in 2010. (if he doesn't renew at again at age 92)
By the way, kudos to Paul Harvey, if we all emulate your shining example the national debt would be erased overnight, 'cause nobody would need Social Security. Ok, no more economics I promise.
So what's so funny about Fred's amateur video announcement?
1a) Is he intentionally acting bad so we forget he was an actor? Watching this video leaves you with one impression. He's never stepped in front of a camera before. Think about it, you gotta lower the expectations first, then you'll amaze everyone by a so-so performance. (precedent: Bush, George W.)
1b) He is way too skinny after his crash diet to get into Presidential shape, and he has way too much loose skin left over, so he jiggles all over when talking, it's weird. Join the rest of us and put the weight back on, or trim the skin.
2) He still isn't used to his lightweight body, so whenever he moves he puts too much muscle into the movement. Would be fine if he weighted another 50 pounds but being this light he moves too fast like a bobblehead doll.
3) Speaking of the bobblehead, watch his head in the video. It's really obvious his handlers told him, "you're too old to run for President, please be energetic when speaking", so he bobs his head back and forth and front and back.
It's too bizarre for words, sort of like a prairie dog popping up and down. I'm guessing he is trying to be hip or maybe like a rap star ?? This video is absolutely dying to be made into a "Jib Jab" spoof. P.S. "This Land" is still the funniest political thing on the web
4) Fred's website quotes are ridiculous, and straight out of the Paul Harvey homespun simple throwback American playbook (ie little corny)
ABC radio are you listening to this audition?
“Occasionally, doors have opened to me,” "and I had sense enough to see that they were opening, and I would walk through them.”
“How's the crowd taking it?"
Fred wants questions from Americans. And not softballs
Fred knows there are pressing issues facing our nation (Really?)
5) Fred is lazy doesn't get into the race until threatened by a lawsuit ( link to this story) Lane Hudson should tell us more.
6) Fred is a lazy campaigner "Lazy like a Fox" on cover of Newsweek
7) His web site has a bit of laziness about it too. Touch the "about Fred" tab.
The first item under it says BLOG, but I"m not sure cause it's covered by the CONTRIBUTE button.
Second item says Photo Gallery. You can't touch either of those options. It's like Lucy holding the ball for Charlie Brown, it's pulled away from you the minute you try to get to it. Too funny. This group is too lazy to proof their own website. Goes to show it's just a spoof.
On the off chance they fix it ? Here's the screen shot, or perhaps you could try the wayback machine. http://www.archive.org/index.php
Personally I'd be embarrassed by this photo, but they've got it up on the website.
This picture looks like an old senate photo from 6 years ago and add 50 pounds to him. (he is too skinny now)
Frankly if he still looked like this, he'd probably win the whole thing. He just looks like a president.
Moving on: Click on "legislation" yes he really was a Hollywood star during these years, he looks great, I"m betting he was putting up Chamberlain type numbers during these years. Good thing he wasn't married. This guy was a player. But that isn't the guy running now.
Still no mention of his wife or 2 kids on the about me page. hmmm.... good thing she didn't bother switching her last name. By the way she does know he's a Republican right? Very odd to keep the maiden name as an R, that is something the D's do. Oh wait, found her she's under "fred today"
Joe Scarborough said she was hot and he was right.
"please be 18, please be 18" - Ricky Bobby
Any fan of Talledega Nights will recognize that line, I'm sure ole Fred said it when he first saw Jeri. Although I'm equally sure Jeri did not use Carley's tactics to get his attention.
Ok, so short summary, if this guy wins the Presidency, I"ll eat my hat.
-- Mike Donnelly Originally posted here
This message was sponsored but not paid by
Fred Thompson for P / Robin Willams for VP
Please watch the http://www.fred08.com/ video it is laugh out loud funny.
Very clearly this is not going to be a serious candidate, that gives me some license to goof around.
Fred's just trying to raise his profile so he can make some more money.
Assumping Fred doesn't become President, rumor has it that Fred is the favorite to replace the $10 million dollar a year man on the radio. (Paul Harvey = 60% of their revenues, thus the big pay)
Bigger name recognition for Fred (from Presidential run) probably seals the deal with ABC radio, when Paul Harvey (turns 89 this year) steps down at the end of his contract in 2010. (if he doesn't renew at again at age 92)
By the way, kudos to Paul Harvey, if we all emulate your shining example the national debt would be erased overnight, 'cause nobody would need Social Security. Ok, no more economics I promise.
So what's so funny about Fred's amateur video announcement?
1a) Is he intentionally acting bad so we forget he was an actor? Watching this video leaves you with one impression. He's never stepped in front of a camera before. Think about it, you gotta lower the expectations first, then you'll amaze everyone by a so-so performance. (precedent: Bush, George W.)
1b) He is way too skinny after his crash diet to get into Presidential shape, and he has way too much loose skin left over, so he jiggles all over when talking, it's weird. Join the rest of us and put the weight back on, or trim the skin.
2) He still isn't used to his lightweight body, so whenever he moves he puts too much muscle into the movement. Would be fine if he weighted another 50 pounds but being this light he moves too fast like a bobblehead doll.
3) Speaking of the bobblehead, watch his head in the video. It's really obvious his handlers told him, "you're too old to run for President, please be energetic when speaking", so he bobs his head back and forth and front and back.
It's too bizarre for words, sort of like a prairie dog popping up and down. I'm guessing he is trying to be hip or maybe like a rap star ?? This video is absolutely dying to be made into a "Jib Jab" spoof. P.S. "This Land" is still the funniest political thing on the web
4) Fred's website quotes are ridiculous, and straight out of the Paul Harvey homespun simple throwback American playbook (ie little corny)
ABC radio are you listening to this audition?
“Occasionally, doors have opened to me,” "and I had sense enough to see that they were opening, and I would walk through them.”
“How's the crowd taking it?"
Fred wants questions from Americans. And not softballs
Fred knows there are pressing issues facing our nation (Really?)
5) Fred is lazy doesn't get into the race until threatened by a lawsuit ( link to this story) Lane Hudson should tell us more.
6) Fred is a lazy campaigner "Lazy like a Fox" on cover of Newsweek
7) His web site has a bit of laziness about it too. Touch the "about Fred" tab.
The first item under it says BLOG, but I"m not sure cause it's covered by the CONTRIBUTE button.
Second item says Photo Gallery. You can't touch either of those options. It's like Lucy holding the ball for Charlie Brown, it's pulled away from you the minute you try to get to it. Too funny. This group is too lazy to proof their own website. Goes to show it's just a spoof.
On the off chance they fix it ? Here's the screen shot, or perhaps you could try the wayback machine. http://www.archive.org/index.php
Personally I'd be embarrassed by this photo, but they've got it up on the website.
This picture looks like an old senate photo from 6 years ago and add 50 pounds to him. (he is too skinny now)
Frankly if he still looked like this, he'd probably win the whole thing. He just looks like a president.
Moving on: Click on "legislation" yes he really was a Hollywood star during these years, he looks great, I"m betting he was putting up Chamberlain type numbers during these years. Good thing he wasn't married. This guy was a player. But that isn't the guy running now.
Still no mention of his wife or 2 kids on the about me page. hmmm.... good thing she didn't bother switching her last name. By the way she does know he's a Republican right? Very odd to keep the maiden name as an R, that is something the D's do. Oh wait, found her she's under "fred today"
Joe Scarborough said she was hot and he was right.
"please be 18, please be 18" - Ricky Bobby
Any fan of Talledega Nights will recognize that line, I'm sure ole Fred said it when he first saw Jeri. Although I'm equally sure Jeri did not use Carley's tactics to get his attention.
Ok, so short summary, if this guy wins the Presidency, I"ll eat my hat.
-- Mike Donnelly Originally posted here
This message was sponsored but not paid by
Fred Thompson for P / Robin Willams for VP
This is also my view. he is in it to enhance his commentator value. Many others are also. He may also be in it to impress his please, please be 18 wife. Or to impress himself and enjoy the attention.
You can still short him on the iowa wxchange
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