Economic Ramble

Politics and humor not appropriate for CEO Economic Update

Friday, June 23, 2006

GeoPolyTrade: "High Energy Prices are Good for America
I am going to propose a policy that is heresy for traditional conservatives and adherents of free markets:

I believe that high energy prices are good for the United States and the developed world in general.

In fact, I believe it so much, that I think the United States needs to tax energy consumption in order to raise prices for energy. (note that the EU countries and Japan already tax energy significantly higher than the United States)."

GeoPolyTrade: "Guests of the Ayatollah: Saturday on Discovery Channel
The above link will take you to's listing for Mark Bowden's recently-released 'Guests of the Ayatollah' the story of America's first battle with Islamic Terror. Or you can try the same link below:"